Saturday, December 14, 2019

The Importance of Fatherhood

"We believe in fathers. We believe that far from being superfluous, fathers are unique and irreplaceable."
-D. Todd Christofferson

Just today, I was walking through the university store at BYUI, and I saw so many cute signs about moms. An interesting one said "Home is wherever your mom is." I sat there thinking about my situation, and how that hasn't held as true as I always thought it would. And then it hit me, why are we so focused on mom's anyway? Don't get me wrong, mothers are amazing, and I can hardly wait to become one. But we seem to focus so little on fathers, and they're just as important as our mothers. I pointed this out to my roommate, and she told me that someone had actually asked her teacher about why we don't care about Father's Day as much as we care about Mother's Day. You know what he said? He said, "Because they don't deserve it." Can you believe that?

So, why is a father so important? Well, in the article "The Significance of a Father's Influence", it states that men and women are very different. They think differently, act differently, but they also parent differently. Fathers are more likely to see their child in relation to the rest of the world, while mothers see the world in relation to their child. Mother's help teach children about the importance of relationships, while fathers are better at expanding vocabulary. Now, this may seem like it isn't such a big deal, but kids need those little differences. They can't have one without the other because both of those differences divinely complement each other.

Did you know that in a study of parent-child relationships they found that having a loving and nurturing father was as important for a child's well-being and success as a loving and nurturing mother? Fathers are so important, and it breaks my heart to know that we're in world that thinks our fathers don't deserve recognition for all that they do for us.

I would like to take a minute to talk about my dad and how amazing he is. I'm sorry, but he is honestly the best dad ever! My experience with my father has almost always been positive. Of course, we would fight sometimes, that's what teenage daughters do with their fathers. But he has always been there for me, no matter what. When my mom left, I was amazed at how much love I had for my dad. I hadn't had a great relationship with him before, but I suddenly started becoming closer and closer to him. He became my great friend and confidante, and I discussed a lot of issues with him. He offered me advice that my mother never could. Because my mom left the church, I was so afraid I had lost the only way of talking religion. After having numerous talks on religion and important issues, I wonder how I could have been so blind. My father is almost better to talk with about religion, politics, football, and so many other things. My only regret is not learning that before my mom left, and before I left for college. Maybe we could've had a much better relationship with lots more memories.

So, to conclude, father's are just as important as our mother's. Our father's actually have a great impact on our well-being, success, and happiness. They are divinely different and have different roles than mothers do, but that doesn't make them any less important. I am thankful for my dad and the influence he has had on me. I would encourage you all to take a look at your relationship with you father. If it isn't great, fix that! If you don't have a father, I am so sorry. You can do your best to realize that your mom also has a great influence on you, and be thankful for her. I hope that as you examine your life, you will realize that home is also wherever your dad is.

The Significance of a Father's Influence

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Lending an EAR

"Communication works for those who work at it."
-John Powell

Communication is probably the most difficult, and yet the most important, part of every relationship. It is the healthiest way to solve issues taking place in your marriage, your family, or even you workplace. And yet, so many people don't know how to effectively communicate. 65% of divorces are caused from poor communication. How sad is that? I know that's part of the reason my parent's had a divorce, and I'm sure if you look at your life you have "divorced" certain people because of a lack of communication. Communication is conveying your message in a way that everyone feels understood, heard, and respected.

So let's talk about how to do that! Think of someone you have a difficult time communicating with, someone who seems impossible. Now let's say that person hasn't been doing their dishes, and you have been stuck doing them all by yourself. How would you normally approach that? Would you deal with it? Would you yell at them for not helping you with the dishes? Obviously, none of those are great ways to approach that situation. So what exactly is the best way? Well, according to David E. Burns, MD, there are three key areas we need to focus on: Empathy, Assertiveness, and Respect. (If you want to read more about Burns' techniques, follow the link at the bottom of the page.)

Well it all starts with empathy. Empathy is defined as, "the ability to understand and to share the feelings of another." This is different from sympathy because when you sympathize with someone, you aren't feeling their same feelings. In the situation described above, this would look a little like this:

You: Hey, I've noticed your dishes have been in the sink for a while now.
Them: Yeah, I've been really busy.
You: Oh, that's no fun, I'm sorry.

That's not bad, but it's not good either. Empathy looks like this:

You: Hey, I've noticed you haven't been doing you dishes lately.
Them: Yeah, I've been really busy.
You: Oh, I'm sorry. I've been super busy too, and I totally understand where you're coming from. It's no fun to have to do the dishes on top of your other responsibilities.

See how when you have empathy you feel their pain with them? This is the best way to show someone how much you love and care for them. One of my favorite stories in the New Testament is when Christ raises Lazarus from the dead in John 11: "Then when Mary was come where Jesus was, and saw him, she fell down at his feet, saying unto him, Lord, if thou hadst been here, my brother had not died. When Jesus saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled ... Jesus wept. Then said the Jews, Behold how he loved him!" That is pure empathy, and that is how we should start our conversations.

Next, we need to be assertive. We can't just stop at empathy and go back to doing their dishes for them! I know people like to avoid conflict, but you won't accomplish anything if you aren't aggressive. That would sound like this: "I feel angry when you don't do your dishes because then I have more to do on top of my busy schedule." See how that leaves no room for the other person to tell you you're wrong? Always use emotions to describe what you're feeling because they can't tell you how you feel.

And finally, you need show respect. This is done by showing your love and care for them, usually by listening to their side of the story. Maybe they've seen you doing something that bothers them. Or maybe they just need to talk. Either way, it's important to keep listening. And make sure you are repeating their concerns back to them to show that you understand. Let them know that their feelings are just as valid as yours. They are also a child of God, show them that you know that! Don't roll your eyes or scoff when they say something you disagree with! That would be a great way to completely ruin the entire trust you just built up!

So, the next time you have the opportunity to communicate with someone, just remember Empathy, Assertiveness, and Resect. Or, just remember to lend an EAR.

The 5 Secrets of Effective Communication

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Stress of Family Life

"I testify to you in the name of the One who conquered death--Sunday will come. In the darkness, Sunday will come. No matter our desperation, no matter our grief, Sunday will come. In this life or the next, Sunday will come."
-Joseph B. Wirthlin

Family life is hard. You go through a lot as a family, and it's no fun, but you come out as better people with stronger bonds. That's something I've had to learn the hard way, and I wanted to share that process with you.

First I want to introduce you to a little formula, and then I'm going to describe that formula with experiences and examples.

First: The actual stressor (A). This can be anything, ranging from a broken bone that costs thousands in medical bills, to the death of a family member. Basically, the definition is just something that causes stress. For example, when my mom left that put a lot of stress on our family. And not just our immediate family, but also our extended family. Similarly, there have been recent trials in my cousins' lives that have affected me. Remember, stressors can affect everyone, not just you and the people you live with.

Next is both your resources and your response (B). First of all, your response is how you cope with a stressor. For example, if you're stressed about grades, you might study more. Or, if you're stressed about a divorce, you may go out and blow your money. Obviously, there are good and bad ways, but sometimes that's just how you cope with stress. Your resources are what is available for you to use during this stressful time in your family. For example, the care of an infant who is in intensive care would cost thousands of dollars. The funeral for that baby when he passes away also costs a lot. The resources used in that situation would be your money, and most of the time, you won't have that resource, which doesn't help the stress go down. Another example of a resource is a ward, or some good friends. Those are the resources I used to help relieve stress after my mom left. I would talk to my friends, or to my Young Women leaders, and this greatly helped me power through. These are some good and bad ways your resources can affect how you cope with the trials you or your family are going through. That's something to remember the next time you are struggling with something. Make it a habit to respond and use your resources in a healthy way, at least to the best of your abilities.

The next part of the formula is your cognition (C). This basically means how you are comprehending the stressor or trial your family is faced. For example, you can look at it as a stumbling block in your way that you can never get over. Or, you can look at it as an opportunity to grow and become better through the Atonement of Jesus Christ. This is probably the most important part of the formula, at least in my opinion.

So we have A+B+C, and that determines your overall experience with that specific stressor. Let me give you an example. When my mom decided to move out and divorce my dad, that was a huge stressor for my family. I responded to this by turning away from my mom and the rest of my family, and clinging to my friends. I used my ward as a resource to help me cope with the "loss" of my mom. I definitely didn't see this trial as an opportunity for me to grow. I saw it as a stumbling block that seemed to tower over me. Overall, this led to a very negative experience for me. I was depressed, confused, angry, and unforgiving. But then something changed. I started to turn more toward my family, and I became closer with them. I even bridged the gap between my mom and me just a little. I didn't completely stop using the ward as a resource, but I also turned more toward the scriptures and words of the prophet. And my entire cognition seemed to change. I began seeing this as a way to grow and become better. I saw this as an experience that would hurt me, but also as something that I could use in the coming days. This has led to a more positive experience for me. Not that there isn't struggles anymore, but I've changed the way I see those struggles, and suddenly the whole world seems brighter and more full of hope.

If you are still struggling please remember the wise words of Elder Holland: "Don't you give up. Don't you quit. You keep walking. You keep trying. There is help and happiness ahead... It will be alright in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." Things can and will get better. I don't know how or when, but if you have faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust, you will make it through.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

The Sin of Infidelity

"Clearly God's greatest concerns regarding mortality are how one gets into this world and how one gets out of it."
-Elder Jeffery R. Holland

Sexual intimacy, the most awkward topic ever. But, also the most important. So, like Elder Holland once said, "If I am not careful and you are not supportive, this subject can slide quickly from the sacred into the merely sensational". I hope you will approach this with maturity as I attempt to write about this sacred topic.

First, let's talk about the law of chastity. This is such an important law I don't think we fully understand. For the Strength of Youth states that we need to avoid anything that could lead to sexual transgression. This includes passionate kissing, lying on top of one another, and touching the sacred, private parts of another person. Something that I've come to realize is that there really isn't any specific line drawn when it comes to the law of chastity, and that can be really confusing. That is why it is so important to talk to Heavenly Father about this sacred subject. He will let you know what is ok, and what is not ok. Something important to remember is that when deciding what line you will draw for chastity, you shouldn't be thinking about how close to the line you can get, but how far you should stay from the line. That thought, and more interesting insights, is illustrated in the video "Chastity: What are the Limits?". 

Next I just wanted to talk about fidelity in marriage. Because that is really the other half of the law of chastity that not many people remember. Fidelity means, "Faithfulness to a person...demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support". Infidelity is such a serious topic, because it is such a big problem in the world today. So why do people cheat on their spouse? Well, the main reason is pornography.

Before I go more into detail about infidelity, I want you to think about something for a minute. Would you rather listen to a live performance of your favorite band on stage with them, or listen to the digital version on your couch? Now think about that in terms of pornography. The digital version, the one that can be edited as much as you want, represents pornography. The live version, with all the passion and feeling and beautiful mistakes, represents those sexual relations you have with your spouse. Wouldn't you rather have the live version? But so many people are choosing the fake version that leads to high and unrealistic expectations. That is why so many people struggle with fidelity. They are searching for the unattainable perfect person. If you are struggling with pornography, please find help. Seek the counsel of your bishop. That is what he is there for, to help you repent and become better through the Atonement of Christ.

Something else I just wanted to touch on is how to help children after their father or mother makes a decision to go against the law of chastity. Not that my mom struggled with fidelity, or that she committed any sins, but I did go through something similar. I wanted to share just a portion of my story today, and I hope you will feel the spirit as I write.

About a year ago, my whole world was turned upside down. My mom left my dad, me, and my siblings to deal with the emotional trauma that followed. I had looked up to my mom until that point. She was my best friend, I talked to her about everything. And suddenly, this mother that I had known for years was cut out of my life, and a stranger seemed to be attempting to take her place. I was lost and confused, and I'm not going to lie, I hated her. For a long time, I couldn't get over how she'd ruined my life. I thought I would never see the light of day again. But, slowly and surely, with the loving guidance of an understand Father in Heaven, I began to heal. I'm not saying I've completely forgiven my mom, but I certainly don't hate her anymore. But something that I think is important to remember is that I had to go through that process on my own. I had to learn to love again. No one could force me to love my mom right away. I had to struggle and learn with the love and support of others. That's how you teach children to deal with a parent who struggles with the law of chastity. You must let them learn on their own, but always be there to catch them when they fall.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Growing Closer to God Together

"Any good man and any good woman can have happiness and a successful marriage if both are willing to pay the price."
-President Spencer W. Kimball

Marriage is hard. If I could, I would just leave it at that. Like, happily ever after is a lie, don't believe it! It takes a lot of hard work for marriage to work, and a lot is going to test your relationship! Today though, I just want to focus a little on the struggles that come from the beginnings of marriage.

Firstly, a lot people don't realize that marriage means sharing everything. Are you prepared to share finances, space, time, everything? It would be interesting to know that that is a major difference between those who cohabit and those who get married. People who cohabit before marriage tend to still have their own finances. They usually don't share cars, food, or their belongings. When you get married, that is supposed to all be shared because you are "cleaving unto one another" and becoming one. That is how you become closer together, and therefore closer to God. Plus, that will help you in the future when hard things happen and you have to support each other, because sharing everything allows you to practice leaning on each other. Don't be afraid to trust them, because that should be part of why you married them!

Can you guess what the next struggle newlyweds face? That's right, the first child. Sure, it may seem magical while she's pregnant, and it is really exciting and wonderful! But when that baby is born your life and your relationship is changed forever. Husbands and wives go through a lot even before they bring that bundle of joy home. A lot of the time, during the pregnancy, husbands feel left out because they don't get to connect to the baby in the same way a mother does. So, moms, make sure you're including your husbands! When you feel it kicking, let him feel. Describe what it feels like to him so he can feel as close as possible to that little miracle.

Now, after the baby is born and is brought home, there are even more struggles! Both mom and dad have an increased workload. Did you know that the mother's workload increases by 64% and father's workload increases by 37% within the first 6 months of parenthood. That's crazy, and it can lead to tension in the relationship. The mom is frequently occupied with the baby, and the dad is usually busy at work to pay for this baby. This leads to her thinking he no longer cares about her needs, and he feels left out when it comes to watching the baby grow. Plus, they're both exhausted from taking care of the tiny terrorist invading their home.

So, what are the solutions? Well, make sure you're preparing early. Talk about the challenges that are ahead and come up with a system to help each other! After the baby is born, make sure you're still validating each other. Always show you appreciation and love for each other, because it's going to get harder to remember. Remember that this was a joint effort, you both helped bring that baby into the world! And most importantly, remember to take care of yourself!! Get the rest you need and eat good food. And, if needed, ask each other for help! You're truly in this together.

Just to close, I'd like to address the first paragraph. I don't mean to discourage getting married. It is a wonderful and beautiful thing! I'm just saying that it takes a lot of hard work, and happily ever after doesn't just happen. You have to make sure you're working hard together to make your happily ever after. The best way to do this is to make sure you are making a covenant marriage, not a contract marriage. In his address entitled "Covenant Marriage", Bruce C. Hafen discusses that very issue. His main point is that it is important to make and keep a covenant marriage so that when the wolves come, you will not run. You will stick it out together, and you will grow closer to each other and to God because of it.

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Challenge of Dating

"Make dating and marriage a high priority. Seek a companion who is worthy to go to the temple to be sealed to you for time and all eternity."
-For the Strength of Youth

As awkward as it sounds, this is actually a really interesting topic for me! Maybe that's just because I'm still single, but I think this information can be valuable to everyone.

First, let's talk about dating. For those of you older folds, have you noticed that dating has changed drastically over the years? It really has, and not necessarily in a good way. Back in the day, dating was all about having fun and getting to know different people. Once you found someone you really liked and had gone on a few dates with, you generally started "courting". This is when you've fully committed to that person. You continue to go on dates, but now you're "boyfriend and girlfriend". Next, as the relationship gets more serious, you would get engaged. And then the final step is marriage. Those are very important steps that people followed to help get to know someone before marrying.

Now let's contrast that dating with present day. Now dating has about the same meaning as courting. People rarely go on dates when they're dating, they mostly just hang out together. You might think that that's just fine, and it can be. But true dating is when you go and do something that is planned, not just hanging out and talking about what you want to do. Then, they jump to engagement and get married as fast as they can. Do these people know each other at all? Maybe. However, they probably don't know each other nearly well enough to get married. It seems that in the modern day people are just sliding through those steps to get to marriage as fast as they can. This isn't healthy! No wonder there is such a high divorce rate! If we could all just slow down and enjoy each other's company we would have much healthier relationships.

Then there's the opposite side of the spectrum. Some people just don't date at all! There are a number of reasons for this, but Elder Oaks lists just four in his talk "Dating Versus Hanging Out".

The first reason is, "The cultural tides in our world run strongly against commitments in family relationships".  I already discussed this at length in my earlier blog post, "Family, is it Important?" Basically, the world today has just stopped caring about families and marriage. The divorce rates have soared, abortion is a widely accepted decision, the very definition of marriage has changed. And with this increased negativity toward family, dating has slowly gone extinct.

The second reason is, "The leveling effect of the women's movement has contributed to discourage dating". Because men have seen women becoming more and more empowered, they have slowly stopped asking them on dates. This could be from fear of being rejected, or it could be from the fear of someone seeing them a "male chauvinist". Basically, the guys have just stopped asking out the girls, and this has led to dating going out of style.

Elder Oaks goes more into detail about these reasons as well as others in his talk, so I would encourage you to go listen to it.

To end, I just wanted to extend a challenge to whoever decides to read this post. For all those who are single, I would like to challenge you to go find one date with someone. They don't have to be attractive, and this date doesn't mean you're committed to them forever. Just plan a fun activity and go have fun together. Get to know one another, don't just hang out. And for the rest of you who are married, I encourage you to plan a date together. Make it fun and simple, something you can use to get to know one another better. Because even if you feel like you know someone, you can always learn something new.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Gender is Divine

"Gender is an essential characteristic of individual, premortal, mortal, and eternal destiny."
-The Family: A Proclamation to the World

This is a very touchy subject in the world today. As I discuss some things that may offend, I just want to say that I don't mean to sound hateful. I am not a bigot, I do my best to love everyone, no matter what their life choices. If you worry you may be offended, please feel free to stop reading now.

Gender. It's something that the world seems to laugh at nowadays. There are so many differing opinions floating around our media. People claim that there are more than just the two main genders. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I know differently. I know the eternal truth that we were created as male and female in the premortal realm, long before we came to earth. There is no way of changing that, because it is divine law. I encourage you to go watch President Nelson's devotional for young adults where he defines divine law, and also discusses church policies regarding LGBT individuals.

It's been interesting this week to be learning about gender. I've been able to see how the world views gender vs how the Lord views gender. I'd like to focus a bit on the divine roles and differences that come with our two different genders.

The Family: A Proclamation teaches of these divine roles specifically. It states: "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness, and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners." It's important to realize, that mothers and father each have their own individual roles that uniquely complement each other. They are not meant to better than or less than the other. I absolutely love that! I can't wait to find someone who can work equally with me in creating a home.

You wanna know the best part? Heavenly Father specifically created us to fulfill those divine responsibilities! Science has shown that our brains are different, and have different innate gifts. This shows that it's not just our society that is creating social norms, it's actually our brains! For example, there have been experiments where they put a toddler in a room full of trucks and weapons, and dolls and dresses. The girls tended to go to the pink and soft dolls and dresses. And the boys tended to go toward the trucks and weapons. Now, I'm not saying this is true for every boy and girl, I'm just saying that the majority of toddlers fit this description.

Before I close for the week, I just wanted to add one more thing. Just because a boy decides to play with a doll does not make him gay. Sometimes, boys are just more attracted to the idea of being nurturing. I want you to think about a man that is kind, nurturing, loving, and merciful. I think that those qualities are very Christ-like, and a boy should not be ashamed for having those characteristics. As a girl, I can attest that those characteristics are very attractive, and are Christ-like and divine in nature. Now as an evil person, wouldn't I want you to think that those characteristics are girly and undesirable? Yes, Satan is definitely working hard to destroy the concept of gender in families and society.

The Love and Laws of God

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Becoming the Strong Link

"Become a welding link in the chain of generations."
-David A. Bednar

I recently listened to Elder and Sister Bednar's devotional called "A Welding Link". In it they discuss how to become a strong link in the generations of your family. I really loved listening and learning about the ways to keep my eternal family strong. I also think it sort of applies to the traditions and lessons that we pass down to our children and future generations. It makes me wonder what has been passed down to me, and what I'm going to pass down to my future family.

I think the biggest thing that I obviously have been given and will pass on is definitely the gospel of Jesus Christ. My Great Great Great Great Grandparents traveled with the pioneers across the ocean and then across the country for that gospel. It has been passed down through generations all the way down to me, and I hope that I can continue to pass that down to my Great Great Great Great grandchildren. It is something that has made such a difference in my life. It has shaped who I have become and it has effected how I live my life. This past year has been really hard for me, but I know that if I hadn't been given this amazing knowledge of the truth of the gospel, then I wouldn't have made it through this last year. That is one of the greatest gifts my ancestors have given me.

Something that I find interesting is that the chain of generations is more of a web that can connect all of us as a human family. So, I love that I get to be linked to two chains in order to create a much bigger web. That second chain has passed on many traditions and lessons to me as well. The biggest lesson I've learned from them is love everlasting. I have been taught to love others no matter their trespasses. Sure, people make mistakes, and sometimes it's hard to forgive them for those mistakes, but we have to keep loving them. I have learned that from stories I've heard about my great grandma and grandpa. It is my goal to pass that eternal and everlasting love on to my children and grandchildren so that they can have wonderful loving families. My heart aches for the recent generations who have seemed to struggle to find that love. I hope that as a strong link I can also teach them how to love forever no matter what.

It was also interesting to hear how one link can change everything. Sister Bednar talks about a sister that used to have a grandmother who was a member of the church. Sister Bednar says that she has always wondered where the chain was broken in that sister's family. For me, I know where that chain was broken. It has been multiple times, but each time someone has become a stronger link and helped to fix that chain. At one point that person was my mom. She is the reason I have such a strong testimony. She is the one who taught me to love. She answered my gospel questions, she was excited to discuss gospel topics, and she helped me learn to be a wonderful mother someday. She was a strong link that helped our family's chain grow stronger. Recently that chain has been broken again. Don't get me wrong, I am not blaming my mom for that break, but she was a part of it. And I think that it has changed everything for both the chains that are connected to me. Suddenly the web has snapped, and I am not completely sure who I'm linked to anymore.

But I know that as I learn more about the gospel, as I strengthen my testimony, and as I learn to love my momma no matter what she does or says, that I can become a stronger link. I love that sweet and simple truth. I can't wait to become and stay strong so that my posterity can stay linked to their ancestors. I hope that I can help them become strong links as well as they learn the lessons and truths that have been passed down the chains for generations.

A Welding Link

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Art of Loving

"Taking time for each other is the key for harmony at home."
-Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I've been thinking a lot about what I want to be when I grow up. The thing that interests me most right now is becoming a family therapist. I love the idea of listening to others and helping them figure out solutions. This week I learned some techniques that therapists can use to help families become closer. My favorite one is the art of hugging.

Let me give an example of this to help you understand.

A son is having a very hard time with depression and thoughts of suicide. The mother has taken him to numerous therapists, but none of them have helped. She finally makes an appointment with a family therapist in the hopes that this will be the last one. He gets information from both the mother and the son and then brings them both in together. He talks to them for awhile, and then throws out an idea. He tells them to just hug each other for awhile. They both get up and just sit there, hugging each other. After a while they come apart, and the therapist tells them to practice this at home until their next session. When they come back the next week, the son has completely changed. He is happier, he is kinder, and he is doing better in school. All because he and his mother learned to show physical affection.

This shocks me. Just the simple idea of showing physical affection helped to heal this boy who had struggled with depression for most of his life. How powerful is that! At first it amazes me that this wasn't something practiced often in his home. But then I reflected on my family, and I realized, I don't practice that enough in my home. The only reason I've hugged my family this past year is just to say goodbye or because we haven't seen each other in a long time. How long has it been since I've said I love you, and truly meant it? How long has it been since I hugged my siblings just because? It just hurts my heart to realize all the moments I've missed. All the problems and fights I could've solved just by giving them a hug.

It just hurts that I'm living so far away and I can't be there with my family. We struggle a lot with our family situation, and I think it could get so much better if there were more hugs and "I love you"s.

Now I just wanted to switch gears a little bit, and talk about our genders. That is a very complicated topic in the world right now. But our genders are oh so important. We have divine roles because of the divine qualities that we were given in the premortal realm. I am so very thankful to be a daughter of God. Especially after this wonderful women's session of general conference that we just got to watch and listen to. I absolutely loved President Nelson's talk. I loved how he said, "Let me be very clear about this. If the world loses the moral rectitude of its women, the world will never recover". And the opening line of the new Young Women theme: "I am a daughter heavenly parents, with a divine and eternal destiny". I just love being a girl!!

Now I'm not saying girls rule the world, or that they're better than guys. Because that's just not true. Men are just as important as women. I watched an older BYUI devotional by Tim Rarick about fatherhood the other day, and I was very impressed with how important fathers are. I loved how he said, "Men, you are to complement and complete women, not just the other way around. Remember the second half of the apostle Paul's declaration: "Neither is the woman without the man in the Lord." (1 Corinthians 11:1)". Both genders are just as important and essential to our exaltation.

I'd like to leave with a challenge and a testimony. I want to challenge you to show your love to your families. Hug them! Say I love you more often, and mean it! Spend time with them. I know that this will help your relationships improve. I know that our genders are important to the plan of salvation. I know that your gender helps you fulfill your roles in families. I know that our Heavenly Father loves each and every one of us, and our divine characteristics that come from our gender. Love yourself!! You were created this way for a reason! I am so thankful for my family, and I can't wait to practice the art of loving!

Men are That They Might be Fathers

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Family, is it Important?

"The family is central to the Creator's plan for the eternal destiny of His children."
-The Family: A Proclamation to the World

The world seems to see the family as less and less important. Go watch the news or the movies and tv shows. It seems that almost everything in the media has become more and more anti-family. I watched a documentary this week called "Demographic Winter". They were discussing how the world seems to think we're going to overpopulate and not have enough room in the world. When people hear this their first thought tends to be that they need to stop having kids. However, this documentary talked about how we're setting ourselves up for depopulation. This idea that we shouldn't have too many kids is actually going to cause a lot of problems in the world. The documentary lists several consequences of this frame of mind. The loss of family could harm the economy, the housing market, even the workplace! I mean, think about it! Our world seems to rotate around the family, and if we are anti-family our world could fall apart.

The main concern mentioned in the documentary was our fertility rate. Researchers have decided that the optimum fertility rate is 2.80. If the rate is above that, then you have an increase in population. If the rate is below 2.8, then you are heading toward depopulation. Now, in 1965 the fertility rate of the US was 2.91 live births per 1000 women. 51 years later, in 2016, that rate had dropped to 1.80. Now, I don't know about you, but that's really concerning!

In fact, countries are beginning to feel very concerned about how little children couples are having. Take China for example. Up until about 2013 they had followed a strict one-child policy. Remember that they also preferred to have sons, because that was more honorable. Now China has realized that it needs a higher birth rate, and soon. Otherwise they are on the brink of depopulation. Even worse, they're having trouble getting families to expand after so many years of only one child, usually a son. And because they've only had sons, it's very hard for them to find a wife to settle down with and have more children. And it's not just China that's having problems with birth and fertility rates. Other countries in Europe and Russia have begun to offer cash incentives to couples if they have children.

Now, I don't say these things to scare you. I say them to warn you and to teach you. The point of this rambling post is to help you be aware of the things the family is facing. Satan is really working hard because he knows that the family is the Plan. He has managed to get in people's heads and justify cohabitation, or sex before marriage. To me, the problems and scary statistics discussed in the documentary really helped me see just how important the family is. I mean, if Satan is working this hard to destroy something that sometimes seems trivial, then it must be very important.

I think about my family, and how important they are to me. I recently lost my Grandpa Lowry, and that was tough. I didn't know him well, but I always knew that he was proud of me, and he was important to me. This morning at his funeral I was reminded just how much I love my family, and what a blessing they are to me. I feel so blessed to have an automatic support group that rallies together in times of trial. I recently read or heard somewhere that people don't value their extended families as much as they used to. Why? My aunts, uncles, grandparents, and cousins are my best friends. Some of my favorite memories come from spending time with my extended family. They mean the world to me, and it blows my mind that others just don't enjoy that in the same way.

Basically, the point is that yes, the family is important. It's so important that Heavenly Father sent us to Earth in family units. Even before earth life we lived in family units. Our Father in Heaven has always valued the family because we are His family. We are his literal sons and daughters, and He desires for us to see what a blessing families really are. So I hope you'll use this information to defend the family and teach others just how important the family is.

Demographic Winter Part 1
Demographic Winter Part 2