Saturday, October 19, 2019

Gender is Divine

"Gender is an essential characteristic of individual, premortal, mortal, and eternal destiny."
-The Family: A Proclamation to the World

This is a very touchy subject in the world today. As I discuss some things that may offend, I just want to say that I don't mean to sound hateful. I am not a bigot, I do my best to love everyone, no matter what their life choices. If you worry you may be offended, please feel free to stop reading now.

Gender. It's something that the world seems to laugh at nowadays. There are so many differing opinions floating around our media. People claim that there are more than just the two main genders. As a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, I know differently. I know the eternal truth that we were created as male and female in the premortal realm, long before we came to earth. There is no way of changing that, because it is divine law. I encourage you to go watch President Nelson's devotional for young adults where he defines divine law, and also discusses church policies regarding LGBT individuals.

It's been interesting this week to be learning about gender. I've been able to see how the world views gender vs how the Lord views gender. I'd like to focus a bit on the divine roles and differences that come with our two different genders.

The Family: A Proclamation teaches of these divine roles specifically. It states: "By divine design, fathers are to preside over their families in love and righteousness, and are responsible to provide the necessities of life and protection for their families. Mothers are primarily responsible for the nurture of their children. In these sacred responsibilities, fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners." It's important to realize, that mothers and father each have their own individual roles that uniquely complement each other. They are not meant to better than or less than the other. I absolutely love that! I can't wait to find someone who can work equally with me in creating a home.

You wanna know the best part? Heavenly Father specifically created us to fulfill those divine responsibilities! Science has shown that our brains are different, and have different innate gifts. This shows that it's not just our society that is creating social norms, it's actually our brains! For example, there have been experiments where they put a toddler in a room full of trucks and weapons, and dolls and dresses. The girls tended to go to the pink and soft dolls and dresses. And the boys tended to go toward the trucks and weapons. Now, I'm not saying this is true for every boy and girl, I'm just saying that the majority of toddlers fit this description.

Before I close for the week, I just wanted to add one more thing. Just because a boy decides to play with a doll does not make him gay. Sometimes, boys are just more attracted to the idea of being nurturing. I want you to think about a man that is kind, nurturing, loving, and merciful. I think that those qualities are very Christ-like, and a boy should not be ashamed for having those characteristics. As a girl, I can attest that those characteristics are very attractive, and are Christ-like and divine in nature. Now as an evil person, wouldn't I want you to think that those characteristics are girly and undesirable? Yes, Satan is definitely working hard to destroy the concept of gender in families and society.

The Love and Laws of God

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